Claudia Nentwich - Singer/Songwriter - Autorin  
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Born in the south of Germany, singer, songwriter and author Claudia Nentwich was raised by her Bohemian grandparents. From an early age she sang and played folk songs with her grandfather.

Many years later it was punk that gave her life a new direction. The three-chord philosophy and her riot-girl attitude catapulted her into the limelight as the singer of the punk band "Sagrotan".

Influenced by her parents' travels, she fell in love with Barcelona and the Spanish lifestyle and stayed for almost two years. Inspired by the singer-songwriters she met along the way, she started writing her own songs.

The former island of West Berlin was the next stop on her journey. A breeding ground for many artists, she tried her hand at everything from singing in musicals and rock bands to working in bars and as a journalist. Always curious to find out what's behind the next door.

She has published seven CDs and three books. In 2007 she founded the international songwriters' circle Songs ohne Boot and started inviting songwriters to share the stage with her. Over the last 20 years she has been involved in many international songwriting collaborations and has performed all over Europe.